Control / Dim all lights….

I’m trying to create a Trigger that will dim all the lights that are currently ON. Anyone have any ideas how I can implement this? Home Automation is more than just wanting things to happen, sometimes it takes some work, to get it to work the way you expect.  After all, computers are just really […]

Indigo Automatic Polling??

Overall, I love Indigo. But one thing that is very annoying and doesn’t seem to be built in, is the ability to poll all devices on a regular scheduled basis (ie: every 5 mins, 10 mins, etc.) of the status of my devices. This mainly causes a problem when accessing my system via my iPhone. […]

LampLinc Dimmer Dual Band (2457D2) Review

Folks, Have you actually seen the LampLinc Dual Band Dimmer (2457D2) yet? If not, take a look at it… As with the rest of the Dual Band products, its fast, it’s compact, but more importantly, the SmartHome web site’s images make it look huge! And you know what, it’s not their fault. It’s significantly smaller […]

Indigo v4.16 has been released.

Indigo 4.1.6 is now available for download from Perceptive Automation. Here is the summary from the Version Change documentation…I have included the 4.16 – 4.14 changes… 4.1.6 Changes Added support for new SwitchLinc Relay firmware version. Modified support for ToggleLinc firmware version 35 and higher to enable remote default brightness and ramp rate UI. 4.1.5 Changes […]

Insteon timing & Signal conflicts

As I have stated before, I just upgraded to a 2413U controller, and it’s made a large difference in my setup.  Overall, in raw statistics the house went down a percentage or two for signal reliablitity, but overall everything seems faster…  And more reliable, even though the raw statistics say it isn’t as reliable as […]

applescript “Lock Screen” from another mac on LAN

How can you lock your screen from another Macintosh? The following applescript will allow you to lock the screen, over the network, from any other macintosh. Just keep in mind, “Remote Apple Events” will probably have to be turned on (System Preferences -> Sharing). property ipNumber : ‘Real IP address here’ property userName : ‘real […]

Mac OS X 10.6.2 Build Resolves Obscure Apple TV Bug [Seed Notes]

According to World of Apple, Build 10C540 has been released to developers for testing of 10.6.2… Apple has once again given developers another build of Mac OS X 10.6.2, despite being on the cards for release for several weeks build 10C540 solves several issues but continues to contain no known issues. Obscurely in this build […]

Birthday Reminders on the Birthday Calendar?

One issue that has plagued the Address Book & iCal combination, is that you are offered the option to automatically add birthday reminders to your calendar….  That’s fantastic, and will help me prevent the possibility of missing a friends/relatives birthday. But then, how did I forget Aunt Flo’s birthday, last week?  Click.  Why doesn’t the […]