What is a Port Number & Common Ports

What Is a Port Number? To the uninitiated or the otherwise-gifted computer user, technical geek-speak can be rather frustrating and aggravating. When instructions are filled with such things as “port,” “TCP,” “UDP,” and other acronyms or technical terminology, the user feels more isolated and rarely finds a solution or comprehension. Fortunately, comprehension is just moments […]

Epsilon Email Data Breach: List of Affected Companies Grows

We have news today of a huge data breach at Epsilon, a large email marketing company, which has stated that on Friday it suffered a data breach whereby emails were accessed without authorization. The company has now issued its corporate customers about the hacking with notifications of this security… via Epsilon Email Data Breach: List […]

How does a Vintage Black Box work?

A flight data recorder is a crashworthy device that records data about an aircraft’s flight, such as airspeed, heading, and the procedures of the pilot. It’s also called a black box. Bill Hammack of the University of Illinios opens up a vintage black box from a Delta airlines jetliner.

Can I undelete some files after an year?

I have a macbook pro with Tiger installed. I want to restore data that is already deleted from Trash, and the data is also from a year ago. Is this still possible? using 3rd party software maybe? After a year, it is quite doubtful that you’ll be able to retrieve any useable data from any […]

Can you edit Evernote externally?

Evernote is fine, but its text editor is strange and not good for storing code snippets. The fact that is allows HTML but can only manipulate a subset of HTML is a bit frustrating. Is there any way to edit Evernote  snippets outside of Evernote? My first read thru suggests this: Copy and Paste the Evernote text into TextEdit, or another […]