Hard drive making a weird noise

My Samsung hard drive is making some weird noises. Sometimes, the noise stops but then starts again within a few minutes. It’s warranty is out of date, so I am worried that the noise may indicate an imminent failure. First,….. Backup your data. Now. Please, Back it up… Back up your data if you even […]

Oh my Gosh. They are stealing my data!

Fear and Terror! All your data are being stolen! Wow, this is just asinine, with emphasis on the ass part. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/7816446.stm This article is telling everyone that if you really want your data to be safe when you throw away your computer, you need to beat the thing to a pulp with a hammer.  The most […]

Customer Service 101 Rant

Gosh darn it… Customer Service is one of the most important things for businesses… It doesn’t mean the customer is always right, but it does mean that you try to solve the customers issues… Quite a few months ago, I was going around in circles with customer support representatives for a certain tax company, and […]