Indigo 4.1.8 Released

Indigo 4.1.8 Released: “4.1.8 is now available for download. In addition to the major 4.0 improvements and 4.1 features, this update includes: Added support for INSTEON 30A Load Controller. Improved size / scaling of Web pages when viewed from Safari on iPad. Minor modificactions for unreleased INSTEON modules. (See the Rest of the Story at […]

Control / Dim all lights….

I’m trying to create a Trigger that will dim all the lights that are currently ON. Anyone have any ideas how I can implement this? Home Automation is more than just wanting things to happen, sometimes it takes some work, to get it to work the way you expect.  After all, computers are just really […]

Almost done with the Historical HVac plugin….

Here’s a hint of what is coming shortly…  An Indigo plugin to allow you to compare your Heating / Cooling vs. your Temperature set points. The graphing component requires the browser to be able to reach Google.  I am currently using the Google Charts API to generate the chart…  But all the data is stored […]

Venstar T1800, a Review…

For years, I have considered purchasing a new thermostat, so that I could integrate it into the Home Automation, and control it, easily..  So I have kept my eye on a few different solutions, but just recently, we needed some furnace work, and I was able to justify purchasing a new Venstar T1800, when I […]

Indigo Automatic Polling??

Overall, I love Indigo. But one thing that is very annoying and doesn’t seem to be built in, is the ability to poll all devices on a regular scheduled basis (ie: every 5 mins, 10 mins, etc.) of the status of my devices. This mainly causes a problem when accessing my system via my iPhone. […]

It’s 10 pm, do you know where your iPhone / iPod Touch are?

Has anyone seen my iPhone, or iPodTouch? They asked about going out and picking up some Applications, but I told them no…. Oh well…. If only Indigo, could help me keep track of them… Nah, it’ll never happen… Indigo doesn’t have GPS support… Does it? Anyone with a MobileMe account, and an iPhone, or iPodTouch […]

Indigo 4.17 has been released.

Indigo 4.1.7 Released 4.1.7 is now available for download.In addition to the major 4.0 improvements and 4.1 features, this update includes: Added support for 1000W SwitchLinc firmware version 35 and higher to enable remote default brightness and ramp rate UI. Improved CM15 support to not show communication error with newer firmware version. Modified CM15 processing to ignore incoming […]