A Racoon is nibbling on my console log again!

I checked the console logs today (some unrelated problem) and discovered these being spammed every 5 seconds or so: racoon38 38 ERROR: failed select (Invalid argument) The discussions I have found on this, typically refer to upgrading to 10.6.1 or later. The solutions seem to be: Rebooting Disabling VPN Terminating the Racoon process (Kill -15 […]

Reboot Season 1 Episode Guide

Reboot, the TV Series, could be described as “What happens behind your Monitor”… The world of reboot occurs inside the inner world of a computer system known by its inhabitants as Mainframe. Especially in the first two seasons this was a decision that was deliberately chosen due to technological constraints at the time, as the […]

VMware Fusion 3.1 Beta Now Available

Goody!  A new VMware Fusion 3.1 Beta Now Available!!!  Why am I excited?  Well, I prefer Parallels, but for some reason Parallels doesn’t work on my Mac Pro.  It complains that the hard drive is unavailable, and can’t be found..  Yet, if I make any configuration changes, it now magically works, until I reboot the […]

Hard drive making a weird noise

My Samsung hard drive is making some weird noises. Sometimes, the noise stops but then starts again within a few minutes. It’s warranty is out of date, so I am worried that the noise may indicate an imminent failure. First,….. Backup your data. Now. Please, Back it up… Back up your data if you even […]

Actual V Trailer Descends Upon The Earth [V]

The V trailer has been posted, and it looks like it could be really a good reboot of the series…. I’ll reserve final judgement until it’s out and available, but…. The trailer is right up there with the original V miniseries…