Apple Announcing WebKit2

This is a heads-up that we will shortly start landing patches for a new WebKit framework that we at Apple have been working on for a while. We currently call this new framework ‘WebKit2’. WebKit2 is designed from the ground up to support a split process model, where the web content (JavaScript, HTML, layout, etc) […]

Control / Dim all lights….

I’m trying to create a Trigger that will dim all the lights that are currently ON. Anyone have any ideas how I can implement this? Home Automation is more than just wanting things to happen, sometimes it takes some work, to get it to work the way you expect.  After all, computers are just really […]

Venstar T1800, a Review…

For years, I have considered purchasing a new thermostat, so that I could integrate it into the Home Automation, and control it, easily..  So I have kept my eye on a few different solutions, but just recently, we needed some furnace work, and I was able to justify purchasing a new Venstar T1800, when I […]

Indigo Automatic Polling??

Overall, I love Indigo. But one thing that is very annoying and doesn’t seem to be built in, is the ability to poll all devices on a regular scheduled basis (ie: every 5 mins, 10 mins, etc.) of the status of my devices. This mainly causes a problem when accessing my system via my iPhone. […]

Paranoid Much? Learn how to perform a background check..

Now you can know what Big Brother knows about you and get access to the same dirt everyone from your boss, landlord, insurance agent, to your favorite casino has on you. Here is a comprehenisve list of websites and phone numbers for most of the “specialty” consumer reports, like your employment, rental, and check writing […]

LampLinc Dimmer Dual Band (2457D2) Review

Folks, Have you actually seen the LampLinc Dual Band Dimmer (2457D2) yet? If not, take a look at it… As with the rest of the Dual Band products, its fast, it’s compact, but more importantly, the SmartHome web site’s images make it look huge! And you know what, it’s not their fault. It’s significantly smaller […]

Speeding up Apple Mail by Vacuuming?…..

Apple Mail, especially earlier versions of Apple Mail, may start to slow down after a long period of time… Evidently as everyone knows, it is possible to get quite a speed boost out of by stripping all the bloat out of its Envelope index, an SQLite database Mail uses to store senders, recipients, subjects […]

Disable AirPort when Ethernet cable is connected

From MacOSXHints… At my office, I needed to find a way to turn of the wireless network when someone plugged in their network cable. I also did not want them to be able to turn the wireless network back on until the network cable was unplugged. I came up with the fallowing solution. I created […]