Daring Fireball: Vacation, All I Ever Wanted

From John Gruber, a good example of the happiness & frustrating of being a parent to a youngster….

Elise hasn’t gone this far yet, but we’re waiting for this to happen to her…..

– Ben

Daring Fireball: Vacation, All I Ever Wanted: ”

We’re on the boardwalk in Wildwood, New Jersey. It’s just past 9 p.m. on a beautiful Thursday night at the end of a beautiful week of August shore weather. The boy, however, is out of sorts, in the way that two-and-a-half-year-olds who’ve skipped their naps and spent the day digging holes in the sand at the beach are wont to be.

The problem, more or less, is that the boy both wants and does not want to go on what he himself has named ‘the boat ride’: a toddler-demographic carousel-like ride consisting of a motley assortment of vehicles, including a race car, an old VW van, a few dune-buggies, some horses, and, oddly, amidst all this silliness, a lone howitzer-looking military vehicle. And one small, blue boat, apparently both water-and-road ready. Most of the vehicles hold three or four passengers (or perhaps ‘drivers’ is a better word, given that each se”