First thoughts on The Pandorica Opens (5×12)

Well, we have another week until the End of the Universe….  6/26/2010, The Big Bang will be aired…

So, how was the first part of the Season Finale for Doctor Who?  Well, fairly straight forward…  The “Timey-Whimey” part of this season’s plot seems to be fairly straight forward, maybe?

  • Sometime after the Doctor picked Amy up, the Alliance of Evil, seems to have cherry picked Amy Pond’s mind, and devised the Pandorica…
  • The Pandorica is the ultimate jail for the “most evil” person in the Universe…  Of course, keep an eye on the Bias here….

There does seem to be an issue with the Tardis, or at least, an outside influence affecting it.  Hard to say at this point, but the “Silence will fall” voice in the Tardis, is new…  Is it the Big Baddy, or just someone trying to clue the Doctor in?

The 5×11 does live up to the our standards…  My only complaint is if the Tardis Crew are searching StoneHedge, how do they miss a cyberhead lying on the ground next to a stone?  But that’s probably petty…

Overall, the next Episode will make or break it.  The Big Bang has much to live up to, but we’ll have to see.  I certainly think that Mr. Moffit will have a more consistent, and less of a Deus Ex Machina, I hope…

Or would it be a Deus Ex Tardis?  Deus Ex Pandorica?

We’ll just have to wait and see…

But my biggest complaint is that I haven’t yet seen a next time trailer for 5×13?  It wasn’t included with 5×12…  So would it have given too much away?