What missing from Internet TV?

Internet TV is threatening to turn cable TV’s subscription model on its head with on demand programming and rentals, but there is a key component that’s missing: content discovery. There is still no better way to find out what’s on than to flip through channels.

Apple TV, the Boxee Box, Google TV, Hulu, Roku, and a sundry of desktop (and now mobile) applications comprise a compelling alternative to traditional cable TV service. My colleague Harry McCracken has them all pretty well covered.

I know many people who have “unplugged” themselves from the shackles of costly year-long contracts. Why pay for channels that you don’t watch? Those people are typically more technically savvy than most of the population. I just recently upgraded my mother’s 1980s big screen TV to an HDTV.

My mother and I find what’s on TV in much the same way: we channel surf or use a “guide.” There are more than a few shows that drew me in by happenstance. AMC’s “Breaking Bad” is my favorite “accident.” Internet TV is surfing with a net, keeping us in the familiar, and not venturing out into the unexplored.

That’s from David Worthington from the Technologizer.

Here’s a crazy idea, talk to friends, talk to neighbors, go to TitanTV or the TV Guide web site…  All of these are neat ways to get ideas on what is on TV, and or to schedule your TV viewing.

Or check your daily newspaper, or subscribe to the Sunday newspaper, they both use to include (I assume they still do) TV listings for your area…

But, if you want to find accidential gems of TV shows.  I have two words.


Go over to youtube, type the keyword “TV” and add a random word.  I guarantee you will find something to watch, and possibly find some interesting TV shows you would never watch normally…

Now the question changes, to are these shows still available.  Well…  That I can’t help with.  But if you want the ultimate in pain, then type in “Reality TV shows”.

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