Indigo Survey Plugin

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What is the Survey Plugin?

The Survey plugin will go through your Indigo Devices, and “Ping” (Status Request) any devices that support the Status Request command.  This allows you to get a survey of all your devices, and ensure that they are online easily.

The idea for this plugin occurred when I was trying to map out our new circuit breaker box.  It while we were able to identify some of the circuits easily, there were 6 that were non-obvious….  So I thought about the problem, and realized that if I left Indigo running, I would be able to perform status requests, to see what devices did not respond.

To Install:

1) Open the “Add to Plugin Directory” folder, and take the Survey.indigoPlugin and place it into

/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 5/Plugins

2) Restart the Indigo 5 Server

3) Open Indigo’s Preferences, choose Interfaces, choose Interface Options.

4) Ensure that “Report Error on all NAKs regardless of firmware version” is checked. If this option is not selected, then the plugin will not be able to detect the failed NAK.

Basic Usage:

The Plugin does not have a Web Interface, and does not store any state information.

1) Choose the Survey Plugin, from the Plugin menu, and choose “Run a survey”.

2) Open the Indigo log, and see what devices where not seen by the plugin.

Versions for Download


If you’re having an issue, please let me know.  Please email me, and I will be happy to aid in any way possible…  Please feel free to offer suggestions for Feature Enhancements, or new features through email as well..

8 thoughts on “Indigo Survey Plugin

  1. Loding this into Indigo 5.0.4 I get this error:

      Error (client)                  runConfigDialog() caught exception: PAXDialogControllerError — Dialogs must contain at least one element.Any thoughts on what I did wrong with this?

  2. Hi, when running the Indigo “Survey” plugin, it fails and shows in the log with these errors:

    Survey Plugin 1 Pass Survey Requested….
    Survey Plugin Survey Pass – 1
    Survey Plugin Error Error in plugin execution MenuAction:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “”, line 311, in survey_1pass_manualUpdate
    File “”, line 249, in gather_data
    : insteon address string is not a valid address

    The plugin did run successfully last month when I first tried it, but now it’s failing even though nothing has changed about the system. I’ve restarted the computer, but the same issue persists. Any suggestions?

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