H.P. Lovecraft the Music Video: Even the Old Ones Would Approve

Beware SAN Loss… The HP Lovecraft appreciation society is at it again…

They are promoting their latest Album, and have this nice little music video to go with it. The Song FishMen….

(Here’s GeekDad’s view…)

H.P. Lovecraft the Music Video: Even the Old Ones Would Approve: “

Sure it’s not the holiday season, but Cthulu is the gift that keeps on giving the whole millennia!’ This fan made video features music which was written and performed by the H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society (HPLHS). Based on Lovecraft’s short story ‘The Shadow Over Innsmouth‘, this song is featured on the HPLHS’s first album ‘A Very Scary Solstice.” C’thulhu fhtagn!