10 Things Parents Should Know Before Seeing The New Star Trek

Geekdad’s cover the Star Trek Movie, with some SPOILER-FREE rundown of what you should know before going.

1. Will I like it?

You’re reading GeekDad, so that’s an almost-guaranteed yes. If you’ve got any love for any of the past Star Trek series or movies then you’ll like this one. It feels very Trek in spirit, with good effects and good acting. There is a lot of fanservice here for Trekkers, with a lot of catch phrases, inside jokes, and trivia that only hardcore fans will know.

2. Will my significant other, who doesn’t know anything about Star Trek, like it?

Probably. The plot is a bit complex, and I was lost in a couple of places. Many core plot points, such as background on the Romulans, are left largely unexplained. Still, it moves along quickly with good acting and nice effects. My only complaint is that the fight sequences seemed lifeless and awkward. The Bourne-Identity style shakycam action seems like it’s just there to cover up a badly scripted fight.

(View the rest of the article at 10 Things Parents Should Know Before Seeing The New Star Trek)