The Geek Group is being Taxed out of existence?

Non-profit hackerspace The Geek Group has been hit with a hefty tax bill despite their tax-exempt status. It is the goal of The Geek Group to fulfill the thirst to explore and create by providing facilities, peer group, and camaraderie that make knowledge and learning not only acceptable, but desirable. In the video after the break you can hear a bit about the organization’s role in servicing donated computers and putting them out into the community, as well as its role in education through groups like the Boy Scouts of America.

This is the full story of the Geek Group’s war with the Kalamazoo Township Assessor’s offices. The clip is from the video of our First Quarterly Geek Group Board of Directors Meeting of 2010. It was shot on Saturday the 13th of March, 2010.