New Laws?

Well, the police will be busy now…. In Rochester, Ny…

Starting Monday, all homes must have working carbon monoxide detectors in them.

CO is the gas is known as the silent killer, as it has no color or smell.

The new law requires that a detector be installed on the lowest floor that has bedrooms.

Carbon monoxide detectors cost between $20 and $50 and must be replaced every five years.

I know the arguments, I know the reasons…  But really, is this enforceable?  Will the police or Fire dept. be going house to house, and verifying that they are working?  Why not instead just do a public service campaign?

Why?  Because now if for some reason someone notices a bad device, you’ll be fined and potentially sent up the river (yeah, right…).  The keyword here is fined.  It’s an excuse to get some additional cash out of you…

I’m sorry, but I seriously wish that we could force a law through that would require the government to only be able to pass enforceable laws through, and the law would require the enforcement personnel to be indicated where the forces will be coming from.

Passing laws to pass laws is stupid, and creates chaos and confusion.  Both for the enforcers as well as the man on the street….