Dragon Quest IX talk about some crazy stuff (Puff-Puff)

Destructoid discusses Dragon Quest IX, and some of the crazy things that are in the JRPG.

But the point is that I’m hardly an expert on the entirety of this crazy Dragon Quest thing, and that’s especially true of a little thing called the “puff-puff.”

What the hell is the puff-puff? I’m glad you asked. Just last week, I found myself asking that same question — around the same time I was writing that twopart thing. When all was said and done, the puff-puff just wasn’t relevant to what I was saying in those two pieces. So now it’s time to answer once and for all, “What is the puff-puff?”


One of my favorite things about Dragon Quest IX is the DQVC service, a specialized store offering new items and quests. A couple of Fridays ago, I unlocked a quest called “Puff-Puff Performance.” To any trueDragon Quest fan, this would have immediately meant something quite glorious, but as for me, I simply wandered over to the quest giver expecting a fairly typical mission, perhaps one involving dancing.
However, the quest giver asked me to find an herb called “cheer-me-up.” Hmm … something called a “puff-puff” that involved a magical herb? I thought I had an idea of what was going on now. This silly little JRPG with an E10+ ESRB rating was going to get me high as fuck. Ah, the perks of being an angel. Innocence? Ha!

The rubbing of breasts on faces in Dragon Quest IX- Destructoid.