2414U & 1132U with DirectX = pain?

Check out the warning below that Smarthome includes in their literature for the 2414U Insteon controller:

Using PowerLinc USB & PowerLinc Controller with DirectX Input Devices
It is advised that you unplug your PowerLinc when playing games that use Microsoft’s DirectX system while using USB input devices like joysticks.

I have run into this problem in the past…  It doesn’t cause harm to your automation controller (2414U or 1132U), but if you have either plugged in and you start a game that uses a DirectX  input device, it’s possible that the application/game will crash…  Or become stuck at a black screen.

Simply unplugged the controller or the cable to the controller will allow the application/game to run successfully.

Evidently there is a conflict  between DirectX and the controller’s driver…